

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

{ The Maze Runner } book review

well, as you know, this book has been on my reading list for a while, i had just never gotten around to reading it, until now. 
okay.. well technically, i read it like three weeks ago... although it feels like a month, I've just been so busy with work, school and everything else life is deciding to throw at me. so i am just now getting around to writing this, but let me tell you, it was great a great read!

upon first seeing the book, i knew i wanted to read it. it was the perfect combination of sci-fi and adventure, and thats what i like in books. after having read the first several chapters, i was hooked. not in the way that i couldn't put it down and dreaming about the characters, but that i just had to know what happened. the story line itself was just so intriguing, i wanted to know how they all ended up in "the maze" and why boys were the only ones who had ever been sent in and all these other questions that could only be answered by finishing the book. 

• and i did •

like i said, the book is very interesting, each page was filled with so much imagery and detail that it would be impossible to know see a mental image of everything your reading. that in itself is amazing, when an author has that ability and talent, it just makes them that much better!
 so i kept reading whenever i had free time, which is rare because i am constantly busy. every chance i could get i would try and squeeze in a few pages. i even brought the book to work with me so that i could read during my lunch break. well, lo and behold, when i finished it, i was ready for more. and thankfully there is more, three more books to be exact. although, i don't know when i will have time (and money) to go pick them up. 

so if anyone wants to just donate the books to me, feel free. i also like munching while i read, so candy would be appreciated ;)

unlike some, i am old fashioned, i still enjoy having the literal book, paper and all, to read. i like to be able flip the pages and hold it, it makes it feel more real for me. i also like being able to add it to my bookshelf and call it mine. i have a feeling that by the time i am 30 i will have my own library. 

as for what i am going to read next, well I'm not sure yet,  i have a list that is constantly growing and i don't know where to begin. i don't even know when ill even have time considering i have so much summer school homework to do.

i guess i can give you a detailed description of accounting 101... 
although... id rather not. that is one hard A class. (and I'm only two weeks in)

wish me luck!


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