

Friday, May 9, 2014

suns out, books out?!

you can thank school and work for my absence, they have been occupying my life for the past three weeks. but now, since the semester is finally over, i can get on to enjoying my summer and finally start on my reading. 

yesterday, was my first official day of summer, and it went marvelously! to begin my day i went to the gym with my friend Mollie. we took the class called the MIXX, and let me tell you I'm still sore. then after that we tanned outside (which is one of my favorite things to, my goal this summer is to get really dark!) and guess what? i burned, but not a bad burn, more of a really awkward burn... on my butt... just one cheek...
oh well there is nothing i can do about it now but to tan the other cheek;)

after that wonderful experience, i got ready for the day and headed over to the mall. i talked to my co-workers and then visited my good friend Barnes and Noble. there i picked up two books to begin my summer of reading. i had seriously been waiting for this day for the past month because i would be able to read without having to worry about homework or tests. 
so i grabbed myself some candies to munch on while reading and went home. (i also visited Lululemon, because lets face it I'm sucker for that store. but they always have good stuff on sale!) and I'm pleased to announce that after a night spent curled up in bed i finished my first book of the summer! what book was it you may ask? well, none other than the highly acclaimed book by John Green, The Fault In Our Stars. 

does that fact that i read it in one night answer your questions about how great it was?
 it should!
because there is no way i could ever express how amazing of a book it really was.
after having heard about it for a while now, (and by a while, a very long time) i decided that i must read it. (and the movie comes out soon, which is another positive. )


this book was real in a way that most books aren't. nothing was sugar coated, nothing was fake. it just was what it was, just like life is. sometimes life just really sucks, and other times its filled with wonder and amazement. (and lots of sarcasm, this book was filled with it and i absolutely loved it)
sadly, i already knew how the book would end, so of course i was worried that it wouldn't leave as much of an impact on me. but i was totally wrong, knowing the ending didn't change a thing. i still bawled like a baby for the entire ending of the book. i even had to pull out the tissues, and i don't do that often. despite my cry-fest, i think the ending was my favorite part of the book. it ended perfectly, i honestly can't imagine it have ending any other way. ( you know how sometimes a book leaves you and you feel like you've just been abandoned on the side of the road. you don't know what just happened, but you can't wait to be picked back up again. well that was NOT this book.) not wanting to give anything away, i won't give any specific detail because i fully believe this is a book everyone should read.

so to all of you who haven't read it, i suggest you locate your nearest bookstore and buy it, because you won't be the same after you do. (but actually purchase it because you'll probably get tears all over the pages and i don't want you ruining a perfectly good library book. ) John Green has a beautiful way of saying what needs to be said in a way that makes sense. CONGRATS John, you wrote a truly amazing book that will forever impact the lives of many! (including me )

{okay on a side note, i still cry over how Divergent ended, is that bad or what? i got so emotionally attached to this book and its characters, that i can't even talk about it without tearing up. i mean tobias is all alone now. why did she freekin have to die? why?!}

i encourage all of you to read this book, i promise you won't regret it, and if you do. well then there is seriously something wrong with you. anyone who says they didn't enjoy this book must not have any appreciation for good quality. because thats what this was.

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” 
― John GreenThe Fault in Our Stars

i wholeheartedly believe this.

until next time,

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