

Saturday, September 12, 2015

creative writing or nah...

So I'm taking a creative writing class for my major, would you believe i am actually majoring in English?! Yea, me either, but I'm actually enjoying it. I've always been big on reading, I've also been really good at writing because of it. Although, I've never much enjoyed writing for the most part. partly because for the last seven years all I've had to write about are stupid research papers about things I could honestly care less about. Like my senior research paper, or all of the history papers my teachers have made me write.   

Side note: why do history teachers have to make history so absolutely boring. The history teacher I have right now actually makes history bearable. Like did you know that Benjamin Franklin was the male equivalent of a slut. But a very intelligent, stinking rich man slut. 

You would think that this creative writing it would start to get my creative juicing flowing, but I feel much less creative than ever before. 
Although, I have no doubt that it will start flowing soon. My teacher is seriously awesome. she reminds me of Jess from new girl. I can't even explain it , but she is great. 

Well anyways, she gave us an assignment to write a poem recently. I wasn't really dreading the task, and I was delightfully suprised to find that I was actually okay at writing an actual poem. 
I can't say it followed the prompt, and wasn't really creative. But I wrote a stinking poem. And I'm quite proud of that fact. 

Anyways she also encourages us to keep a journal, just to were as inspiration strikes (so far it hasn't) although I do write down a ton of completely random thoughts. 

And here are a few of them: 

- i know how to fix a toilet, whatever guy marries me is extremely lucky. 
-why don't boys ask girls on dates anymore. 
-I miss working at Nordstrom. like really bad. 
- I actually really love dragons. (yes I'm a weirdo!)
- turns out I completely hate when things are dirty, like kitchens or floors. (thanks mom. )

That's all I've got, but I garuntee there will be more. 


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