

Thursday, October 29, 2015

twitter thoughts

i have so many random thoughts that float through my head on a daily basis, it amazes me that i can concentrate on school, or even anything for that matter.

if any of you follow my twitter (which i have just for this reason) you know basically all i tweet about is random crap that makes little to no sense. (or its just complaining about life in general) most of the time i don't even end up posting those random thoughts.
why, might you ask?
well because i don't want people thinking I'm a weirdo... plus, id rather not be posting at all. i try to not be that annoying girl on twitter that everyone has to unfollow because she posts weird shiz 24/7.

so instead of posting them on twitter, ill post them here, because i feel like someone needs to read them. i mean i do have some pretty funny thoughts, and i know you are all just dying to know the inner workings of my brain. (which really isn't that complicated)

- i have always wanted to get in a for real fight, like a fists blazing, sprawled on the floor fight.
-if i ever get in {said} fight, i am positive that my inner mexican will find its way out and rip the other person to shreds. or maybe just give them a black eye.
-i actually prefer it when guys DONT work out in tank tops. no matter how "swoll" you are, i don't think they look very good.
-i love love lighting storms.
-i miss going rollerblading for fun.
- i really do not like hair extensions. 9/10 times you look better without them. (i can handle the ones that are like beaded through your hair, at least those you can't always see popping off your head!
-sometimes i just want to watch a sad movie.
-i only go to parties for the food, in particular the cake. cake with homemade frosting is my favorite.
-i don't think anyone eats just one eggo waffle for breakfast, i mean that not filling at all. two isn't even filling. i usually eat four, thus why i try to stay away from them.
-i have the eating habits of a 14 year old boy. as well as the handwriting.

ok thats all i got for you,
but stay tuned I'm sure there is more where that came from.


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