

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

writing, books, and school.

have you ever tried to write a creative flash fiction story before...
no, i bet you haven't.
well i stink at it. like, seriously stink at it. all of the other kids in my class have these amazing ideas and write these seriously creative stories. and I'm here like, oh hey, i took this class for fun, not because i have any creative writing talent whatsoever.
I've been sitting here at my computer (of course with the tv on) all night trying to write something. but everything i can come up with so basic. 
and what especially sucks is that i have these dreams that i totally could be making into creative story, but i either can't remember enough of them to write about them, to i just don't know where to begin. 
(go ahead think I'm weird but i know we all have weird dreams, it just happens)

i think I'm just destined to read books for the rest of my life, not edit them, because as i found out, I'm not very good at that either.
hence why i decided my area of study in my major is going to be literature studies.

i was looking though the classes i would need to take and I'm actually quite excited for it.
don't get me wrong i know its going to be really hard and a ton of reading but I'm excited for it. some of the classes i will be taking will require me to read from authors like Jane Eyre, Edgar Allen Poe, John Milton, and Shakespeare. they have whole classes devoted to teaching about him. by the time i graduate i better have a freeking huge library. (i mainly want to study british literature, its so interesting and writers are so much more, well british...)

i have all of my classes picked out for next semester, although its totally stressing me out because 1) i will be taking 6 classes and 2) i have to sign up for my classes at midnight tonight.
the way they let people sign up for classes is in waves according to the number of credits you have accomplished.
technically i am a junior, so you would think that i could sign up early.
i have to wait till the third wave, which is midnight tonight.
for the most part, i know most of my classes will be open, i am only concerned for two of them, Spanish and a kickboxing class i want to take.
so here i am, staying up for a whole other hour just to sign up for classes.
luckily i mapped out when and which classes i will take last week, so hopefully it will all go smoothly.

college is a great thing, but at the same time, its a vortex that sucks in all your time, money, attention, and social life.
plus, they make you carry around all of these heavy books, which we then put in our backpacks. which in turn is actually bad for our backs because we try to compensate for the weight by hunching, which is bad for us. so therefore school is bad for us.

(don't you love my reasoning)

uggh.. just wish me luck.


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