

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

10+ ways to completely annoy a roommate.

ok, ill be straight up,
 living with roommates can be hard. 
Yes, it can be really fun at times, the late night talks, 2 am burrito runs,
or even just living with people who could care less what time you decide to come home or who you invite over. 
the tough part lies in the differences you all had growing up.
like for me, i grew up in a very clean and tidy home.
my mom literally vacuumed bi-weekly and mopped weekly, she expected us to clean our bathroom every week and we were trained at a young age on how to keep the floors clean (like, for example, not trailing the brownie you just made across the entire apartment because you are too lazy to get a plate or just be careful enough to not drop crumbs).
I never thought i would be as clean as her, because lets face it, who has the time to mop every week when you are a full time college student who also works and tries to have a social life. exactly. 
but i quickly found out, i am very much like my mother, but the thing is, it doesn't actually take that long to do the things that keep the place clean. 

if my mother were in my shoes, i am almost positive she would have had a stroke because of how dirty (nasty) my apartment is kept (not by me).

continue reading if you want to read the rantings of a fed up, somewhat clean, but wanting to keep the peace, roommate. 

and because i can't really say anything to anyone in a nice way, because at this point there is no nice way to say it, I've turned to ranting about it on here. 

so girls, or guys, take some advise from me, follow these tips if you want to have a good relationship with your roommates and a clean house/apartment (it will probably even help you find a spouse, because no one likes a nasty house. no one.).

i have come up with a few sure fire ways to annoy the crap out of any relatively clean roommate, 
( its not like im speaking from experience or anything...) 
so just make sure to do the exact opposite and you will be golden:

1. if you use dishes, rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher right away
not that hard, right? it only takes less than a minute. 
2. certain dishes are just meant to be hand washed, its a fact of life, deal with it. so if you are using your roommates nice pans, hand wash them like you know she likes them washed. 
i mean this is just common curtesy, if you see that your roommate NEVER puts her pots, pans, spatulas, etc. in the dishwasher, maybe do the same. if you don't, it may result in her hiding her pans so you can't use them. also, try not to, i don't know, burn crap on them, because that could make said roommate really pissed, especially since she ends up washing it and scrubbing it because she knows you won't...
3. don't leave food filled/covered dishes sitting in the sink for over a day, it will start to smell, and that just makes it that much harder to clean. 
i understand we don't always have time to do them right away, but if you have time to sit and watch netflix for hours after you eat, but can't seem to do the dishes, that shows something.
4. if you do end up doing dishes, rinse out the sink when you are done, don't leave the nasty leftover food sitting in there. it makes it look gross.
5. part of cleaning up after yourself is wiping the counters off. 
 said roommate absolutely hates when there are crumbs and unknown sticky
 things all over the counter. especially since she has to wipe it off. but also don't forget to ring out the washcloth, bc then it smells.
6. try not to wipe things that stain on your roommates kitchen towels.
again, common curtesy, its not yours so don't treat it as such, especially if they are nice Williams Sonoma kitchen towels. for example, if you accidentally spill nail polish, don't use one of these towels to remove it with acetone. like duh, common sense!
7.if you spill something on the floor, clean it up.
don't trail it around the entire apartment, leaving crumbs and footprints everywhere. again, gross. no one likes having just taken a shower and knowing if you walk into the kitchen your feet will get covered in who knows what. said roommate also hates having to be the only one to have ever mopped the floor, particularly when said roommates isn't the one who spills the crap on the floor. 
8. wipe down the stovetop after cooking on it.
most of the time, when you cook, it splatters and makes a mess. or if you just know you are messy and tend to get crumbs everywhere, even though it really easy to not do so. but if you don't clean it up and let it sit there and then cook on it the next day it gets burned on and even harder to clean. and it smells like burned food. and its nasty. so just freekin clean it up. 
9. don't leave dishes around the apartment, bc when the dishes actually get done, there will be the few that were missed bc they were sitting in your room. 
10. don't leave your stuff {this includes shoes, bags, books, etc.} laying around the place. 
it makes things look messy and said roommate will be annoyed bc she actually wants a clean apartment. 
11. if someones else's laundry is in the dryer, don't wad it up and put it on top of the dryer so you can put your stuff in. 
maybe consider folding it like you know said roommate does if your stuff is in there. bc remember the one time said roommate said "i feel bad wadding it up on the dryer so ill just fold it for you" that should hint she despises when her stuff is wadded up and made all wrinkly. 
12. if you are the last one awake or the last one to come in at night, turn off ALL of the lights and lock the door. 
how in hells name do you forget to turn a light off.
13. if you finish off the toilet paper roll, or paper towels, put a new one on there. 
said roommate is probably sick of being the only one to do this. 
14. don't try to stuff large objects in the trash can, if you do, make sure to be the one to take it out. 
obviously, recycling should go in the recycling bin, you should also smash it a little so it doesn't take up all of the space. i think this falls under the common sense category. 
15. unload the dishwasher instead of just just taking out the bowl or spoon you need. 
it literally takes five minutes to do this, especially if you live in a small apartment. 

basically if you clean up after yourself, use common sense, and think about your roommates, none of these things should be a problem. 

also one last tip for roommates, don't take someones stuff out of their closet without asking them, then not giving it back and the only way the said roommates finds out is when she finds it balled up in your room bc she had been looking for it all morning and had the idea to look in your room. this will result in said roommate locking her bedroom door on a regular basis. 

with lots of love, and smidge of annoyance,


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