

Friday, May 13, 2016


i go to weddings for two reasons

1. to eat the food, mainly the cake.
2. to dance.
for some reason the dancer comes alive in me at weddings and i completely let loose. its def a sight to see bc i can't actually dance very well...actually i can't dance at all..

but family weddings are a different story, you have to be in more of the pictures and are obligated to go around and talk to everyone and explain how life and school are going and that yes, you are still single and no won't be getting married any time soon. 
so i wasn't expecting much at my brothers wedding bc i knew i would have to do all this and had no date.. but i never do so what new..

but i can honestly say that this was probably the funnest wedding I've ever been to. there was amazing mexican food (because my family is mexican we can get the good hook ups), amazing cake (you know how much i love cake) and a sweet dance floor. almost everyone got up and danced and it was just a really good time!

my brothers photographer hasn't sent over any of the pictures yet, but my aunt took some and sent them to me, granted i don't seem to know how to properly pose for a picture so i look like a complete goof but what the heck. i could care less.

my favorite one

or maybe this is my favorite...

you're probably already wondering and i will tell you now, i have no idea!

at least my lipstick looks good right?

this is my favorite little stinker Troy

i also successfully taught a kid to do the wobble. go me!

 welcome to the family Madi!!

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