

Thursday, May 12, 2016

{ Me Before You } Book Review

do you ever just go to costco just so you can look at everything they have, well i do... all of the time... i especially like walking down the book isle to see which ones they have on display.
well a couple of weeks ago when i was there i decided to do this and landed upon the book Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes, which i recognized because the movie is coming out soon. i instantly picked it up and realized i needed to read this and i needed it now! so of course i bought it (for 9 bucks, thats a steal!) and didn't start it until finals were over because i knew once i started reading i wouldn't be able to stop and therefore would spend zero time studying (which i desperately needed to do).

and let me tell you, its worth all of the hype. this book has a few unexpected twists at the end that left me heartbroken and wanting more but i nonetheless loved it. thats probably why it only took me like two days to finish it...

it is about a girl, Louisa Clark, who goes to work for a guy who was left quadriplegic after a road accident, Will Traynor. she was hired by Will's parents in the hope that she would be able to brighten Wills life, which was slowly becoming more and more bleak. i instantly fell in love with Louisa because of how quirky she was, (which i loved because i am probably the same way) a little funny, a little cute, down to earth, and completely weird! she would be there with him all day, feeding him and just talking to him. after getting accustomed to each other, they seemed to fall into a sort of rhythm that slowly turned into a very strong relationship, though neither of them really acknowledged it. in every way, Will seemed to be happy and so did Louisa, they were almost inseparable and yet there was still something not right. i don't want to ruin it for everyone because it's definitely a turn i would have never thought of, or even considered. so you need to just read it to see what it is. (i guess you could watch the movie instead, although i always prefer reading the book)
it doesn't necessarily end in the way readers may want, yet in a way, it still ends on a happy note. i wanted to know what would happen next, and thankfully there is a second book! which i plan on picking up sometime soon. (its called After You)

***fair warning, if the water works are easily turned on (aka crying), then grab some tissues and maybe some chocolate because the ending will leave you happy/sad/confused/upset crying, and not in a pretty way.
i even started crying during this music video made for the movie, which you should watch because the song is wonderful and the trailer looks fantastic!

also the actor that plays Louisa is the lady from Game of Thrones, which i don't watch but she looks like an incredible actor.. 

so read the book, thats all i have to say.
it will make you laugh, cry, smile and get you thinking about things you've never really thought about before.

***UPDATE*** so the movie recently came out and it has caused a lot of mixed feelings and opinions towards the book and its storyline. first of all i want to share that i in no way support the idea that one should end their own life because of a medical condition. some people may say that i must support it because i'm going to see the movie, but that has nothing to do with it. i like to read books, but that doesn't mean i support everything in those books. i also love to see the movie adaptations of the book, mainly to see how well they were able to recreate the book and what changes they made, still doesn't mean i support the actions in the movie. I believe that every life has meaning, whether they are young, old, healthy, or sick (or anywhere in-between) we were placed on this earth for a reason, we have lessons to be learned an knowledge to gained. I've never condoned suicide or anything of the likes, because that is not our choice to make. all life has value and it is up to us to find it and keep it.
i read an article/blog about this and i found that it touched on the subject better than i ever could, so if you want to read more about it click here.


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