

Thursday, December 15, 2016

end of semester review

i kid you not, this semester has been, by FAR, the hardest semester of schooling i have ever had. i just finished my last final today (mind you it was a Spanish final) and I've come to terms with the statement "C's get degrees!"
try taking 5 classes (4 of which are literature classes), working 25+ hours a week, and trying have a social life...all while being on accutane which drains the life right out of you. 
its exhausting!

 i can honestly say this past semester has been the most rewarding semester that i have had in all of my college years (4). I've made some pretty great friends, had awesome teachers and am dating the best guy around. 
i have plenty to be happy for! 
and its only going uphill from here because in two semesters (fall of 2017) i will be graduating with my Bachelors of English with an emphasis in Literature Studies. (and no that does not make me especially smart, a nerd yes, but smart no. also, no i do not know what i want to do with my degree but i do know that i have plenty of options to choose from)
i seriously cannot express how excited i am to be finishing school and moving on into my next phase of life. i am ready for whatever it has to throw at me!

so now what am i going to do with myself for the next three weeks while school is out? 
that is actually an excellent question, i have no idea. 
i will probably color, read, binge watch tv shows...basically anything that doesn't require too much brain activity because i honestly believe that i fried my brain this past semester. 

now here are some cute pictures of Dayton and i to get you through the week!

(and no they are not engagement pictures)


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