

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

utah drivers are the worst

alright, time to vent

(you may skip this post if you feel so inclined)

so the other night i was getting home around midnight and i go to park in my spot (mind you it is next to some columns so i tend to park more on the opposite side of those) and some ding dong in the spot next to me decided to park over into my spot as well as his own. 
1: this dude was in a small honda, how hard could it be to park IN your own lines, its not like your car is that big. 
2: that is so inconsiderate of someone to do that. just take the extra minute to straighten out your own car to make it easier on everyone else. 

i was seriously LIVID.
it took me a solid 10 minutes of slowly pulling forward to get into my spot. i kid you not, it was such a tight squeeze on both sides of my car my butt actually got stuck in my door as i was trying to climb out. and i don't even have a big butt!
so what did i do about it.. 
well for one i did a BOSS job of parking my car in that minuscule spot!
after that i then proceeded to write a passive aggressive note to put on this persons car. 
(i may have had to write several to try and tone down my attitude)

the note was along the lines of "Bright idea: learn to park next time and don't be inconsiderate and take up other peoples spots so they can't park. ps. please don't dink my car on the way out"

yea.. not my best moment but at least i didn't use any nasty words. 
(unlike the person who left a mean comment back!)

ok: now are you wondering why i am telling you this?
well its because Utah drivers suck...
and i am honestly curious as to what anyone else would have done.

would you have left a note?
done nothing?
found a different parking spot?
slashed their tires?
broken their windows?
all of the above?

seriously, i want to know. 


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