

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

i am simply a book drunkard...

last night as i sat on my bed reading Allegiant, of the Divergent series, it occurred to me just how much i enjoy reading. i have spent the past week starting and finishing the Divergent series, which let me tell you are amazingly sad and happy at the same time. some of the same emotions i felt while reading The Hunger Games, i felt while reading this book. and yet, they were so very different, i loved different things about all of them. but just like The Hunger Games, they had to end bittersweet. yes, the ending was good, but i can't seem to get over how sad it was. after i finished the last book yesterday, i spent the remainder of the night crying over the people i had lost.
i know i know, they aren't real, its a fake story, but to me its like i became a part of the story and watched it unravel to pieces. 
if you have not read the books please skip until i tell you it is safe to begin again:

alright, i handled it when i knew Uriah was going to die, i handled it when i thought Tris and Tobias were going to break up, but i completely lost it when i realized what Tris was going to do for her brother. he wasn't going to die for everyone out of love, but because of guilt. and Tris knowing that that shouldn't be the case, sacrificed herself for everyone. from that point on i had a continuous stream of tears running down my face. i was hoping that she wasn't really dead and would somehow comeback, but no, it wasn't written that way. 
i am still grieving over this death and for Tobias. it makes me mad that she was killed off, after making it so far, why couldn't she have lived, why? her and Tobias could have made a life for themselves and i wouldn't be left with these sad and depressing thoughts about the books. but then again, the books weren't sad or depressing, they were great, why else would i have finished them in less than a week. they have everything that i love in a book, danger, thrills, love, fights, humor, you name it. so even though they left me feeling bitter, i can see them being one of my favorite series. i may even reread them, once my mourning period is over of course.

alright you can BEGIN again.

"You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel as if you have lost a friend" -Paul Sweeny
that is exactly how i feel at this point, and how i feel after every book I've read. but its those feelings that make me excited to begin a new book. ill visit new lands and new adventures, meet new people and learn new things. and shouldn't that be what reading is all about?
alright, so i was reading a book blog the other day and the blogger was saying how she has given herself a goal of reading 14 book for the year of 2014, well to me that seemed really low! but then again, who has time to spend all day reading, i mean, i wish i did, but lets get real. so my goal to myself isn't limited to a certain number. i just want to read books that make me happy whenever possible. starting now i will try and always have a book that i am reading, and that shouldn't be too hard considering my "Books To Read" list is quite long. 

along with that, i am going to try and review every book i read, some may be long reviews and some small but either way, i will try. 

yours truly


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