

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I love to see the temple

two weeks ago, i had the chance to walk through the temple on a guided tour. and let me tell you, i have never seen such a beautiful building. i could probably stare at it all day and never think differently, everything about it screams perfection and i can't express how happy it makes me.
however, that experience doesn't relate to the experience i was lucky enough to have today. my family and i were given the chance to watch the actual temple dedication inside of the temple! and, no we weren't in the same room as the prophet, those lucky enough to be in that room (the celestial room) were individuals with white recommends. it just means they are extra special. we were given blue recommends, and those who attended the dedication at a church building were given green ones. the individuals who received blue ones were the families of bishops, stake presidents, high council members and such. 

but regardless of where you may have watched the dedication, it was a very special opportunity and will remain in my memory forever. it was impossible to not feel the spirit while listening to the Prophet give the dedicatory prayer. the entire time i felt like i was floating on air, i felt so calm and relaxed.

and as for last night (the temple cultural celebration) i couldn't be anymore impressed with those youth. they have spent so long practicing for that night that no amount of rain could ruin it for them. some may argue that if our church were really true, Heavenly Father would have stopped the rain, but in reality, its just another testament of the truthfulness of the church. the rain made it so much more incredible to watch, if the church weren't true, why would 12,000 youth go through all of this?
i am so immensely jealous of everyone who participated, now they can say they sang and danced in the rain in front of the prophet.

I'm going to take this moment to share my testimony because i KNOW this church is true, there is no way that it can't be. i am so very glad to be apart of this church and i know that by living true and upholding our standards, we will be blessed and will one day be able to return to our Father in Heaven. i am excited for the day that i will be able to go through the temple and be sealed to my husband and future family. nothing makes me more happy than to think of that day because i know it will be one of the best days of my life. and i say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

yours truly


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