

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

long time no write?

wow, its been forever since I've posted something!
(and quite frankly, blogging isn't on my top list of priorities) 
lets see, since my last post i have 

  • graduated with my associates degree in business at CGCC 
  • traveled 
  • quit my job (which i am deeply saddened about, no more shopping for me)
  • moved to Utah to attend Utah Valley University (as an english major) as well moved out on my own 
  • read Beowulf in the span of four hours (don't attempt unless you seriously want to die of boredom...or your professor makes you) and if you don't know what it is, well its just the longest freekin poems ever written!
so here i sit, in my new apartment, bored out of my mind because i spend the entirety of my day cleaning/organizing/reading and hardly any socializing, except with my roommates (who are completely awesome by the way, i lucked out!) when i decided that I'm going to try to blog more often. my teachers are encouraging me to write so as to be able to better my english skills or something like that... so what better way to do that than through this here blog. 

so here it goes, read it or don't, it doesn't matter to me!


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