

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Dublin, Ireland

a couple weeks ago, before i moved to Utah, a friend and i decided to go to Ireland for a couple days (i know, i know, a couple days?! she works for the airlines and i am on my brothers benefits so we both fly for really cheap, so it made the trip worth it since we didn't have to pay that much)

we were only there for five days, but that gave us just enough time to rent a car and drive all around the country. it was honestly the prettiest place i have ever been in my life. everything is so green and alive, and the people are so friendly, and don't get me started on that accent! {sigh} although difficult to understand sometimes, it is so darn attractive.

we left Arizona on a Thursday and arrived at the Dublin Airport early Friday morning (i think this is the best way to do international flights because you can sleep and try to reset your sleeping schedule while traveling.) after finding our baggage and getting our rental car, we headed out to our first destination, Dublin City Centre. 
this place was jam packed with people! 
just imagine NY but a different country where there is a pub on every street and people drive on the opposite side of the road.

Here is the famous Temple Bar, it was difficult to get a good picture of it because so many people kelp walking in front of it. and no i did not go inside, having never been inside of a bar in my life, it was kind of intimidating to do so in a foreign country. 

so many building were just so colorful like this!

we walked around Trinity College for a solid two hours, there is just so much going on there. sadly we didn't go inside the famous library (they charge you to go in which is stupid, its a library!)

i definitely took the least amount of pictures here, mainly because everywhere we went, there were hoards of other people, so it made it fairly difficult to take any decent pictures. 
(plus the fact that i had been traveling for the past 24 hours and was living on like three hours of sleep, so i looked wretched)

after that first day, we were completely exhausted, we made the decision to walk around all of Dublin instead of taking a bus or taxi. (this probably saved us thirty euros each!) but also resulted in us walking close to 10 miles that day. when we arrived back at the house we were staying at for the night (we used for the entire trip) we fell instantly asleep. and, no joke, we layed on the bed for like what seemed like a second and the next thing we realize, its been four hours and its the middle of the night. we hadn't showered or anything, we were that tired. so we quickly changed and got ready for bed and went back to sleep. I've never fallen asleep so fast!

the next morning, once we had gotten ready, we headed back to Dublin City Centre, except this time we drove since we would be leaving the city after. we walked around a little bit more, picked up a few trinkets and then decided on getting a snack.

and let me tell you,
they had, hands down, some of the yummiest pastries i have ever tasted in my entire life! the scones were to die for, i am honestly craving them, but no bakery in the states makes them as good! (sorry for the crappy pictures, i didn't want to waste time trying to get a good picture when i could be scarfing down the food in front of me!)

i swear, they eat so well in Ireland. if i lived there i would most definitely be overweight. 

now its time for bed, but keep an eye out, ill be posting more about my trip soon!


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