

Thursday, September 24, 2015

love song for no one

to any of you who are John Mayer fans, 
which all of you should be because he is amazing, 
you will hopefully recognize the title (it is one of his songs).

anyways, what got me thinking about love songs was my creative writing class. 
we have been focusing on poetry for the past couple weeks, its literally killing me, and our latest assignment was to write a love poem...

 -i can hardly write a regular, free verse poem, how on earth am i supposed to write a poem about love?!
-how do you write a love poem when you are single and perfectly lonely?

so since my poem is due by tomorrow, and i have had no luck with it so far, i decided to listen to my all time favorite love songs to try and gain some inspiration. which is why i am here sharing these songs with you. because lets face it, what kind of music do you listen to when you are sad about a boy, or sad about not having a boy, or just sad in general.. .yes thats right, love songs. 
who wouldn't want to add to their ever growing collection? i would, throw em at me!

i decided the best way to do this was to just take a screenshot of my playlist, because typing them all up would take too much time, and i should be doing homework instead of writing a blog... but this is technically like homework right?

i would give you my top 3 songs, but its really difficult to narrow them down to a top anything. it all depends on my mood i am in, but here is a small rundown of my favorite love song artists.

1. John Mayer
if you don't just absolutely him, we can't be friends..
just kidding but at least try to admire the skill he has, he is seriously amazing. 
(like really amazing just listen to In Your AtmosphereSlow Dancing in a Burning Room, Your Body is a Wonderland, Gravity, and Love is a Verb. p.s. if Gravity doesn't give you the feels, i don't know what will! p.s.s. he is so much better to listen to live, hence why all of the links are to live versions.)
2. Andrea Bocelli
this man is crazy talented, first off he is blind, second he speaks like three languages.
 i grew up listening to this man and have always loved him! (listen to Cant Help Falling in Love, The Prayer, and Time to Say Goodbye. go ahead and judge me for some of his songs, but they are amazing.)
3. Ed Sheehan
well duh, what girl, in their right mind, doesn't love this guy. 
i don't even need to list any songs because everyone already knows them. 
4. Sam Smith
he performed on my birthday and i was not able to go, i was literally so sad because he is so so good. 
again, i don't even need to list any of his songs, but i will say my favorite is Like I can. 

thats about it for my favorite love songs/artists, 
now if only i could write something like that, i would be set... 
ill stop procrastinating now and try to get to work, 
wish me luck!

oh, and just because, read this wonderfully beautiful love poem. i promise you won't regret it. 


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