

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

being an adult.

as some of you know, i moved in August to go to school and start studying my major. 
this includes a new city, new friends, new school, new classes, new everything. (also less closet space and no more shopping sprees, which i am dealing with quite well i may add!) seems fun right?!
you would be WRONG...

well, not completely, most of that is true and don't get me wrong, living on your own is pretty great. you don't have to check in with someone when you get home at night, you don't even have to do what anyone tells you. you are your own, independent person who can decide when to eat, sleep, or sit and binge watch Netflix all day long. 
(and ill be even more honest, i do this a lot. its kind of what happens when you move to a new city where you have no friends. its kewl.)

but it also means i now have to pay my own bills, buy and cook my own food, and clean everything, including my roommates messes. (I'm pretty sure none of them have picked up a broom or cleaning supplies since moving in a month ago. i on the other hand have, i've mopped and vacuumed on a weekly basis because i cant stand the feeling of a crummy, sticky floor. you can thank my mom for that little OCD trait. gracias Julie. )

seriously, being an adult can be the biggest downer ever. 
all i want is to come home from class and have a full course dinner made and ready for me to eat. and then not have to do my (and everyone else in my apartment) dishes. 
because that would honestly be grand. 

but lets get real,
 even some of the most successful people in this world won't have that, and they will still have to pay bills and clean. its part of what being an adult means, you may not like it, but you don't have to. although, it would make you happier if you could find a way to enjoy it. which i am trying to do, but i can get annoying after a while. like, i would really enjoy not having to mop this week or unloading the dishwasher constantly, but hey its part of life. and ill forget all about it tomorrow when i remember i have an explication to write about an article called operation margarine... 
(i can thank my literary theories class for that one. its literally about advertising fooling us into buying margarine... like why would you spend precious time writing about that, why?)

with this move, i had to leave my favorite job ever as well as the comfort of having a job itself. i miss having extra money, because right now, i have none. 
at least not for another month or so, till i have all my bills from moving paid off and i actually start getting paid. 
which should happen soon because i just got a job.
and it is at, drumroll please...
Jdawgs-a speciality hot dog restaurant. can you believe it, me, working in food. who would have thought? 
certainly not me, i vowed to never!
but when you are completely broke and always hungry and this is your only real lead on a job, you will take what you can get, because again, I'm an adult and have to act as such, blah, blah, blah...

although, i was completely surprised to find, i actually am enjoying it. 
at first, i was struggling with the idea of making hotdogs all day long, four days a week, because hotdogs can only taste so good and i can't pull off the hat, i just look like an extra femme Justin Bieber.  (and its only a matter of time till my knuckles crack from the constant hand washing, and i absolutely hate dry skin.) 
but i was wrong. these are pretty tasty and there are so many topping that you could never get sick of it. and making the dog for the customer is probably the best part about the job, other than the closing time dance parties. and I'm not the only one who does look 'cute' in a hat.
plus its fun to get out and interact with people.
 thats honestly the thing i miss the most about working at nordys. (but lucky me, they are opening up a nordstrom rack in the spring, hallelujah!) 

so if you are in the provo/orem area, come visit me and ill make you a dawg. i promise i won't spit in it or anything. unless i don't like you, then ill just add extra onions so you have stinky breath. hehe

until next time, wish me luck with this new job! 


p.s. i need to mention how excited i am for fall weather, i currently have all the windows open because it feels no nice outside! 

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