

Monday, January 16, 2017

I got engaged!


i have a fiancé now!!!

 (meet my best friend Danielle, she is the greatest!)

ok, so for those asking about the details, i figured i put them here as a one stop tell all. 

earlier in the week, Dayton had told me how he had three big events planned out for the next three weeks so that i would have no idea when it would be (since i picked out my ring and knew when it would be done). 
later on during the week, he said he was supposed to pick up the ring from the jeweler but that it wasn't ready for some odd reason. he even seemed to be really mad about it, but i couldn't tell if he was lying about it or not, mainly because he threw in that they gave him $25 bucks for the inconvenience. like who thinks of that?
 now remember how he had a big event planned for that weekend, well we were supposed to go to the Ice Castles in Midway, but due to weather they were no longer offering tickets. this led me to believe that no, i would not be getting engaged that weekend. i then got a text from my aunt and uncle asking us to babysit saturday night and i figured why not, nothing else is happening (plus dayton said he really wanted to babysit, he sold that really well by the way)
so we both get off work saturday and went to get dinner and then headed over to my aunt and uncles. (little did i realize that on our way there he had timed it perfectly so that we were listening to one of my favorite songs as we pulled up to their house.) we get out of the car and, mind you, i have my arms full with my coat, bag, and a GIANT water bottle, and he pulls me aside and starts talking to me about all kinds of sweet things. i was listening but at the same time i was also freezing, so after he paused i was like.. "uh can we go inside I'm so cold," because i am a wuss and hadn't quite picked up on what was happening yet. i remember thinking to myself that all of this was probably leading up to it next week or something because i really couldn't tell and i thought for sure i would know it was coming. so after i interrupted him, he said sure let me just grab my phone i left it in the car. 

 he in fact did not leave it in the car. 
which i realized as soon as he opened the rear door and began rummaging around, but at this point i was already at the front door waiting for him. (my aunt said she locked the front door knowing full well i would have just walked inside and ruined everything, and i almost did but i felt like i should wait for him).
after maybe a minute he honked the horn and their garage opened and out walk my friends and family with sparklers! i then awkwardly set all my stuff down and walked towards him, knowing what was about to happen. 

obviously i said yes.

afterwords, we all went inside and my aunt had made goodies and had hot chocolate for everyone. we took a few more pictures, which i look goofy in all of them, but oh well and then just enjoyed the rest of the night. 

worst photo taker ever goes to me. 

a big shoutout to Greg and Kir for hosting us in their house, seriously thank you!

i honestly love everything about that night because it was perfect for us and everyone who i would have wanted there came (except my immediate family, but they were on FaceTime since they are in AZ).

oh and did i mention my ring, i am seriously in love!
(rose gold solitaire band with a round diamond)

so let the wedding planning commence and keep an eye out for more information on the wedding!
(May 19th)

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