

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

accutane update #6

ok, so i haven't posted an update un a while, mainly because there wasn't much to share. i am slowly seeing the progress and i am hoping by the end of April it will all be gone. 

at the beginning of the year, i had to begin paying for the prescription (the deductible had restarted for the year) and it is VERY expensive. like even the pharmacy girl was like, whoa, do you still want to pay for that? ha.. yea its terrible! also with he new year, they switched brands on me to one that would be cheaper with my insurance, and with it brought on the side effects i had already gotten used to but in full force. my skin is dryer (correct spelling?) my lips and more chapped and i am even more tired than before. 
*also side note, i forgot to record this the first time it happened, but a month into the medicine, i began to get these red spots all over my body. they looked like bug bites/zits and i thought i had bed bugs! turns out it was a side effect of the medicine, luckily, my body got used to it and they went away fairly quickly. although they are back in full force and worse than ever. they seriously look terrible and itch like no other!

i cannot express how excited i am to not be taking this medicine anymore, it really does take a toll on your body. i am just hoping it is all worth it!


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