

Monday, January 6, 2014


For the past two years I have spent my NYE watching these awesome kiddos. I have babysat for them since the oldest was only 5 years old, she is now 10. Its crazy to watch them grow up and see how they change and I wouldn't have it any other way. I absolutely love this family and am so grateful for them.
Im not just some who baby-sits for them, I'm a part of their family, and that feeling of being loved feels amazing!

So heres to the Kimball family, you guys are the best!
(notice how the boys are reppin' their awesome True Threads shirts. they look good don't they? well I highly suggest you go check them out and buy something! you won't regret it!)

 Hallie, Braden, and Jack



Sadly I didn't get any pictures of little Grahm, but just know he is the cutest little man out there!

Yours truly,

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