

Monday, November 11, 2013

Smile for the camera!

This is the first of many photo shoots dedicated to True Threads! So get used to seeing plenty of posts filled with pictures!!

What is True Threads you may ask, well I will tell you! It is a clothing company founded by my dad and his friend. They design uplifting and catchy sayings that are printed in the softest and most comfortable shirts imaginable. They are quite stylish too! 
go to True Threads to check out their stuff, you won't be dissapointed!

The company itself is still growing and changing. Even now my dad is I. The process of designing new things. It is a pretty tricky road, he has more of an act for designing things for men, but I give him props for trying. He has spend more time in this than we know, and he is doing great. Three months ago this was just an idea and now we have a website and we are actually printing and selling our product. He should be proud of how far we have come!
Hopefully with my help we can bring the women's line up to the same level as the men's. I know it is possible it may just take a little more time. And that's fine! 

So without further ado, I present True Threads!

And these, well let's just say these are my favorites!

PC: Hannah and Maddie
you guys were great, thanks again!

yours truly,

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