

Monday, February 17, 2014

my future family

so lately I have been thinking a lot about how I want to raise my future family, a lot of my ideas of do's and don'ts come from what I have seen and witnessed while babysitting or nannying. and some of them may come from my own family, but here it goes.

Do's and Don'ts for My Future Family

I will raise them in the LDS church and my husband and I will be the example they need to see to be strong members.  

I want to keep a clean house (thanks mom for setting the expectations high!) and this includes no shoes in the house, I cannot stand it when the floors of your own house make your feet dirty. so if i have to vacuum and mop on a regular basis so be it.

I will teach my children at a young age to eat healthy and not be picky. I want to raise children who will actually like their fruits and veggies. It amazes me when kids say that they don't like apples or peaches, like come on. How could you not? This is one thing that falls on the parents, if a child sees that their parents are picky and only eat junk then they will do the same. 

 I will not keep soda or junk food in the house. Soda for one is so bad for you and I hardly ever drink it and junk food is just unnecessary temptations and if cut out, can save you money in your monthly budget. Maybe occasionally I will for a treat or something but not on a regular basis. 

Another thing, I won't give my kids juice all of the time, I want them to learn to like water. Its better for you and the body actually needs it. And for those of you who send your baby to bed with a sippy cup of juice, you do realize that it is in the process of slowly rotting your kids teeth while they sleep. 

I really want well mannered kids, I know that I can't force them to behave well, but I hope that I raise them in such a way that they want to behave well for me and especially for others. I will show them good manners and just hope they follow by example. 

Im going to put my kids in sports, I really want to raise a healthy family and I know that if they participate in sports at a young age it will help them have an appreciation in the long run. 

I do not want to spoil my kids, I want them to know they have to work towards something if they really want it. I want them to understand that not everything comes easy and everything has a price. 

I know some people may think I'm a bit extreme and i can't expect that out of all of my kids, but think about it this way. If your kids aren't given expectations, then they have nothing to live up to, and id rather have kids that know that they have high expectations than kids who have none at all. 

well, until next time


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