

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


with last week being valentines day, I have been thinking a lot about marriage and everything it comes with. (everyone and their sister seemed to get engaged on valentines day, like come on boys, could you be any less creative?) and its finally gotten to me and I need to rant about whats on my mind to someone, even though I know no one even reads this. but here I go, its something that must be said and something i strongly believe in. 

first of all, I have grown up with the idea of getting my college degree before I get married, now don't go thinking 
"oh thats crazy, that means you won't be able to get married till your 21!" 
well, yea thats the point. most 18 and 19 year olds are no where near ready to be married. girls I have grown up with and who are my age are already getting engaged and it just amazes me. these are girls that have never traveled on their own or been on their own and now here they are going off on their own for the first time with a guy they think they love. (now maybe they really love them, and thats great, they can grow together and they will need that) but the fact is, they have never experienced life outside of the comforts of their home, they have never lived on their own and had to figure out budgets and everything that comes along with being on your own. 
I just feel like everyone, including men, (this is why missions are so important) need to go off on their own at some point whether it be to go away to college or to nanny for a summer, just something that will make them have to rely on themselves. 

secondly, what teenage girl is actually ready to be married at 18 or 19, I mean lets be real. most of us still have the mentality of a teenager and to some degree are slightly immature. granted we are in that in-between stage of life of not knowing what to do, but knowing that you are an adult now and need to begin acting like one. I was just talking to a friend the other day, who is 21, and he was even saying he is no where near being ready to be married. it just blows my mind, these girls lives are just beginning and yet they are so ready to "stop" it and get married. 

there are so many things that are no longer acceptable once you get married, and in reality it ties you down. now, I have nothing against marriage, I just think that there are right times and wrong times to get married. its something you must really be ready for, but it changes everything. 

if they really love you, they will be willing to let you go because they know you will come back if it is meant to be. this meaning, they will be willing to let you go study abroad or go away to college or whatever it is you want to do, because they know it will be a growing opportunity for both of you. if your love is strong enough, and truly there, there will be nothing to worry about. 

I have so many trips and adventures I want to take before I get married, and I have come to the realization that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be single. at this point in my life, I'm not interested in a real relationship, I want to focus on me and be single. the majority of my life will be filled a husband and kids and I am planning on enjoying my single years. now don't even get me started on my expectations for my husband, thats for another day. 

thanks for tuning in on my long winded rant
until next time,

your truly

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