

Friday, July 4, 2014

{ The Spectacular Now } book review

Alright, so this was one of the books on my reading list, and I was beyond excited to actually read it.
 Plus the movie had been made recently and it made me that much more excited. 

Although, after actually looking up the movie trailer and realizing it was rated R ( I do not watch rated R due to my beliefs and how they make me feel after having watched them.) I was a little less excited to actually read the book. But then I figured, well they probably Hollywood-ized the movie. The book can't be that bad. 

But...... It was. 
It wasn't HORRIBLE but it wasn't great. 

The book itself just made me mad, the main character is this alcoholic 18 year old who is almost unattached to emotion. 

 Until he meets this girl who brings out some of the best of him. Although, he is having the negative effect on her. He may have given her the courage to stand up for herself but, in the process he turned her into a drunk like himself. 
Although in the end he left her, knowing he wasn't he best for her, which was probably the best part of the book. 

But dang... this book just irked me! 

Then again, the book just ended. Just like that. Even if I can't stand a book, it shouldn't just end like that. WHY?!
One: I hate when books just end like that.  I understand why the author did that but I hate it! 
Two: the book itself almost had no plot or  anything. It just..was... 

Overall, don't read. There are other books that will leave you with something. I mean, any other book will leave you with more than what that book will leave. (Which was nothing. Btw. )


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