

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

things on my mind

hey, howya doin?!

haven't been on here in forever! 
i blame school... 
and the fact that I've been extra lazy ever since the weather dropped below 70.
i really need to figure out this this whole 'cold' thing or move back to AZ cause its really harshing my mellow. 

anyways, i got on here because i have five things on my mind that i literally can't stop thinking about

1. spring break is in two week, and if i don't get to escape to the beach, i may lose it!. i don't care what beach (but actually i do) as long as i get to a beach. mexico, hawaii, someplace really exotic... seriously. if you feeling the same way, lets GO! 
at this point I'm down for anything. 

2. DONT put off writing your research papers until last minute (like me) because (like me) you will end up having three due all within a week of each other and it will end up consuming your life and ruining your posture. 
also to avoid this, DONT think it is okay to take three lit classes at once. 
it is a pain in the arse.

3. i think we all can say we had an 'ugly' stage at some point in our lives... mine was just lucky enough to be in elementary school AND college. woohoo! 

4. have you been watching the bachelor? who do you want to win?
 I'm voting lauren and i think jojo will be the next bachelorette. 
what do you think?

5. the quote "be the energy you want to attract" is my new motto
 (at least for the week)

also wish me luck, because as i am sitting here, i should be writing my next essay which is due in 24 hours...thats i haven't started. 
but isn't this so much more fun?!


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